Call for Poster Presentation Abstracts

Members are invited to submit an abstract for a Poster Presentation at the AAMA 2024 Symposium to be held April 11-14, 2024 at the Radisson Blu Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN.

Please follow all instructions carefully to allow your application to be fully considered. Space and time are limited. Poster Presentations must be submitted in English.


Deadline for submissions: February 16, 2024

Include: Abstracts should contain the following:

  • Title
  • Author(s) and affiliation(s)
  • Contact information
  • Abstract body of no more than 250 words

Acupuncture research of all types is welcomed, including observational studies, surveys and clinical case series. Presentation of educational or quality improvement projects is also encouraged.

For Scientific Posters – clinical and preclinical research abstracts should be structured using the following subheadings:

  • Background
  • Objectives
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Educational abstracts can utilize alternative subheadings as appropriate. In the event of any questions regarding the suitability or formatting of abstracts, please feel free to approach the Abstract Chair (Stephanie Cheng, MD, FAAMA – for an informal pre-submission inquiry.

Submit: An abstract including the above information via email to before February 16, 2024.

If your poster submission is accepted for presentation, you will be notified by March 1, 2024.

Posters will be displayed during the Saturday, April 13th reception. While there is no organized or moderated discussion over posters, you should be available to offer your explanation to interested colleagues during the reception. In order to be eligible to win an award, the poster should be a Scientific poster utilizing the above abstract format for submission. All posters must be presented during the reception.

VIDEO PROMOS for 2024 – if accepted for presentation, the poster presenter is expected to submit a short (no more than 3 minutes) video presentation describing the work/presentation. The videos will be made available to meeting registrants during and after the meeting to highlight the presenter’s work.


Symposium Information

Please follow all instructions carefully to allow your application to be fully considered. Reminder, Poster Presentations must be submitted in English.  An abstract, including all listed information, must be sent via email to by February 16, 2024.

All presenters must pay Symposium registration fees in order to participate in the poster session and posters must be presented to be eligible for the poster competition.

Poster Presentation Competition

Scientific poster presentations will be considered for a prize competition. Submissions/presentations will be reviewed by selected judges and awards will be presented to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place presentations, with $500, $250 and $100 awarded, respectively. Awards will be announced before the close of the Symposium.

Poster Presentations should be formatted on paper or laminated poster presentations measuring no greater than 48 inches tall and 72 inches wide (landscape formatting) for display. Posters should be ready for mounting on poster boards with pins or tape. Accepted posters must be installed Saturday, April 13th between 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Posters should be removed by Noon on Sunday, April 14th. The Academy is not responsible for posters not removed by the stated time.

Those selected for Poster Presentations are responsible for their own transportation and housing costs and must pay Symposium registration fees in order to participate in the Poster Presentations.

Have a suggestion or question about the Poster Presentations Competition?EMAIL AAMA